Victor Siu started his musical training at the age of six studying classical piano while also learning Chinese traditional instruments from his parents.He continued his musical training all throughout his youth and eventually decided to pursue a career in music. Victor attendedSan Francisco State University and majored in music education.It was at this university where Victor had the great fortune of meeting Dr. Dianthe “Dee” Spencer and developed an interest in jazz, blues, ragtime and other genres of American music.After, graduation Victor returned to San Francisco State to earn a single subject teaching credential in music.Victor went on to teach music throughout Oakland public schools for seven years while maintaining his private piano studio and performing when the opportunity arose. In 2014, Victor moved to Los Angeles to attend graduate school and received a masters degree in music specializing in Afro Latin Music under Dr. Paul DeCastro and Professor Edgar Hernandez. Currently he is a full time professor teaching music theory, Chinese orchestra, and popular music ensemble at Laney College in Oakland, California. Victor has performed in some prominent venues in American society that include: Good Morning America, Golden State Warriors halftime show, Meghan Mullally show, and former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. If you are interested in studying piano catered to your abilities and interests, with a teacher that can providea patient, warm, nurturing environment, please contact Victor.